About Wendy Ward
Hey there, I’m Wendy Ward, and for the past 30+ years, I’ve helped hundreds of organisations develop long-term financial sustainability through cost-savings and generating new sources of funding. I’ve also created a network of professional service providers - whatever your organisation needs, I will most likely know someone who can help you.
From funding research, compliance, long-term financial planning, organisational structure and cost management, to actually writing bids with you to secure new funding, I’m here to help you help more people. Every organisation has its own, unique story. I want to help you tell that story to the right people who will take your organisation to the next level.
Over the past year alone I’ve helped my clients secure hundreds of thousands of pounds in funding. This year, I hope to achieve much more.

Though I help many organisations like yours on a one-to-one basis, I’m aware that some clients just need pointing in the right direction and the information to do it themselves. That’s why I have heavily invested in my own website to develop the functionality that will give you access to our workshops, our how-to guides and much more. As much as I would have loved to create this library of knowledge myself, I asked a variety of industry experts to write how-to guides and conduct regular interviews with me, so that I could ensure you’re up to date with everything you need to succeed.
What I offer
I exist to help charitable organisations thrive, not simply survive. Whether this is through helping them access new funding opportunities or working with them to create a business plan that steers them towards a healthier, more abundant future, I help CEOs get the most out of their organisation.
As a consultant, I work with organisations on a one-to-one basis. Should this level of support not be needed, I’ve created an online platform that shows organisations how to do what I do for themselves.
Whether you’re in need of funding, whether you need help ensuring your organisation is compliant, or you want to work on your plans for the future, I’m always on hand.
I’m here to help you grow.
Become bid ready
Funding Research
Bid Writing
Business Planning
Due Diligence Checking
Funding Strategy / Diversification